Politécnica de Madrid

Technical Topographical Engineering

Total credits 270 credits
Curriculum in force 1992 Curriculum
Years of study 3

Being a topographer opens up a world of possibilities. You could map the world, search for new oil deposits, investigate crime scenes, manage a company, appear in court as an expert witness in relation to measurements and locations, be the owner of a company, work with software and high-tech equipment, help to create virtual networks for films and games based on localisation....

Professional topographers measure and analyse angles and distances in order to locate points and junctions which determine boundaries, regardless of whether what is measured is located on a mountain, in a valley, in the middle of a city or under water. Topographers are professional "Jacks of all trades" found in the most unlikely places.

Taught at School of Land Surveying, Geodesy and Mapping Engineering
Campus Sur
Camino de la Arboleda s/n Km 7 de la Carretera de Valencia
28031 Madrid
91 336 79 16
Web Page www.topografia.upm.es/